Life after the storm, still goes on


翌日外に出てみると木々がなぎ倒され屋根やゴミ箱、靴やスリッパなどいろんなものが散乱していました。 大きな道は電柱が倒れているので通行することができません。水がないので村に行きました。台風前に買い物をしていなかったためほとんど食料がありませんでした。



ただ何軒かの家の屋根や壁、天井などが被害をうけました。 EMSスポンサーの皆様からすぐに支援が届きました。みなさんからの支援金で生活に必要な品物を購入し、家の修復にもあてることができました。

被災時にはいろんなものが値段があがっています。そして、品物自体が品薄になっていました。水やガソリンを購入するために長蛇の列ができました。 私たちは日本人会からも食料の寄付をいただくことができました。とてもありがたかったです。

いまはこの大型台風の被害直後の影響を受けているなかで、フィリピン人生来の気質をみることができます。それは "Bayanihan"です。沢山の企業や団体が無償でスマホの充電場所を提供しました。いくつかの団体では飲料水を提供してくれました。

電気がなく大変な毎日ですがなんとか生活していました。 いまも地域によっては電気が復旧していません。インターネットも使えません。それ以外はすこしずつですが以前の生活に戻ってきています。 とても大変なことだったので、普段から準備し、災害に備えておくということが大事です。





Last December 16, 2021, a strong typhoon hit different parts of the Philippines, including Cebu. It was so scary. The wind blew strongly and seemed so angry. The electrical power was cut off so we had to light some candles and use flashlights or emergency lights. I could hear the sound of the roof and the broken glass windows. It was the scariest and strongest typhoon I have ever experienced in my life.

The next day we went outside to check whether there were some damages of our house and luckily it was fine. There were many branches of the trees on the ground, falling roofs, trashbins, shoes, slippers and the like. I couldn't imagine how those things were brought there.

The highway outside was not passable because of the electrical posts on the road. We didn't have water supply so we had to go outside the village and fetched some water. Our food supply was almost empty already because we didn't buy before the typhoon. We didn't expect it would cause that damage. I had to rush to the grocery store and as I arrived there, people were kind of panic buying. That's the only moment I realized that the situation was really serious.

We had to communicate with the scholars not only because it's part of our job but also they're like our kids so we were very worried about them. It was hard to communicate because communication lines were down and no electricity. Thanks goodness they're all safe together with their family. However, some had house damages. The roofs, ceilings and walls of their house were blown away by the typhoon.

EMS foundation was very fast to gather some donations from our very own sponsors, supporters and Japanese people. They sent us financial assistance so we were able to give help to the scholars. They were able to buy materials in order to renovate their house, food and water supply.

The prices of everything went up during the crisis. It was also hard to buy goods. There were many people lining up just to get water and even gasoline. We also received donation like rice and canned goods from the Japanese foundation. They were very generous to share their blessings to us. It was a big help to everyone.

As we face the aftermath of the typhoon, we were able to see the innate personality of a true Filipino which was the "Bayanihan". Many establishments offered free charging of cellphones, powerbanks and batteries. Some also offered bottled water, which was the most important need during that time. Even it was tough, we were still able to continue living each day without electricity.

As of the moment, there were still areas that don't have electricity and internet connection.Other than that, we are slowly going back to normal. It has been really tough and I realized that we have to be always prepared. Because at times of difficulties you only have yourself to survive. You are very lucky if you can meet people who are willing to sacrifice and offer help.

As optimistic as we are, we believe that this will pass. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

